Bili - Unterrichtsergebnisse

Bili - Unterrichtsergebnisse

„Nie wieder Deutschland“ ?

Ausstellung zu Jüdischen Kindertransporten nach England 1939. Ein Projekt der Bili-Gruppen im Jahrgang 9

Auf 12 Tafeln stellten die Schüler ihre Ergebnisse zu den historischen Hintergründen der NS-Zeit, zur Geschichte der Transporte sowie einige Lebensgeschichten ehemaliger „Kinder“ vor. Bei mehreren Gedenkveranstaltungen in Bornheim und Köln präsentierten sie ihre Ergebnisse und führten interessierte Besucher, Eltern und andere Schülergruppen durch die Ausstellung.

Anlässlich des 75. Jahrestages der Reichspogromnacht 2014 haben die beiden bilingualen Geschichtskurse im Jahrgang 9 unter Leitung von Frau Kerstgens und Frau Krautstein eine Ausstellung über die Kindertransporte erarbeitet, mit denen kurz vor Beginn des 2. Weltkrieges über 10,000 jüdische Kinder aus Nazi-Deutschland nach England fliehen konnten und dort überlebten.

Austellung in der Europaschule Bornheim

Im Folgenden sind jeweils eine Ausstellungstafel und ein Flyer dargestellt, die die Schüler/innen in deutscher und englischer Sprache gestaltet haben.

Our trip to Bonn

In June 2011 our bilingual course (6d-f) went to Bonn. First we chose which sights in Bonn we wanted to present. We could choose between many different themes: the Beethoven house, the Metropol cinema, the old city hall, the main station, the Rhine promenade, the University of Bonn or the church Münster ...

Download the story here:

The fear so far, so close the death

Aufsatz zum Jahrestag der Befreiung von Auschwitz Leitet

Download the story here:

An interview with our foreign language assistant

by Julia R. and Helene B.

Mr. Williams is a foreign language assistant (Fremdsprachenassistent) who comes from the USA and helps us with our projects.

What do you exactly do as a foreign language assistant?
Answer: I work with different English classes at the Europaschule to help kids from grades 5 to 13 to improve their English. And as the only American at this school, I also can tell people about my country and my culture. Which I think is pretty interesting for some of the students who don’t know much about America.

Since when are you in Germany?
Answer: I’ve been in Germany since September 2010, so for about a year and a half.

Do you miss the USA?
Answer: Sometimes I do, it’s kind of hard to be away from my family but I really like Germany and have lots of friends here now. So, it’s going to be sad to leave Germany in the summer and then I’ll probably miss it here.

What are the differences between Germany and the USA?
Answer: There are lots of small differences in Germany. Cities look very different, the houses are a little bit taller and I think so much closer together. Also the cars are a lot smaller and I think people in the USA act differently. They’re less direct. When they talk to you, people in Germany are very direct. And people in Germany also have very different accents, so people in Bavaria talk much, much differently than people in Cologne, even if they are not very far away from each other.

Download the interviews with the students Moritz and Pia here:


"David is walking in the tube"



Download the fotostory here:

Bili Song

Bili is great
We don´t want to wait.
We play a game
And rise to fame

Bilis just wanna have fun
Ooh bilis just wanna have fun.

Prunella sings a song
And all the things are wrong.
We went to the zoo
And we wrote a story about a kangaroo

Bilis just wanna have fun
Ooh bilis just wanna have fun.

Wir waren in Bonn
Und hatten viel Spaß !
Und saßen zusammen
Am Hafen im Gras.

Bilis just wanna have fun
Ooh bilis just wanna have fun

In class six we learned the simple past
And in the seven Kathrina wurde gecast
Wir halten zusammen Hand in Hand:

We sometime make a mess
But we love our class.
In Erdkunde we learn Stadt, Land, Fluss
Nach Hause nehmen wir den Bus.bili

Bilis just wanna have fun
Ooh bilis just wanna have fun.

We write class exams,
But that´s not difficult
Course our teacher is lovely to us
So we have SPAß

Ooh bilis just wanna have fun


Our trip to the zoo

Last year (2011) our bili class went to the zoo in Cologne. We went to the zoo by train. With our teacher Ms. Stamm and our Foreign Language Assistant (Fremdsprachen Assistent) Mr. Williams we made a rally about the animals in the zoo. Here are some examples of the questions from the rally.

Download the story here:

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